We are pleased to confirm details for our forthcoming Transition Cafe events.
(To be held mostly at Quaker Meeting House unless otherwise stated)
Every Second Wednesday of the month we host a Cafe event from 630pm where we share food and learn together.
February 8th 630-830pm at we will share ideas with each other for initiatives to take forward for 2017
March 8th 630-830pm we will be joined by Erik Bichard who will present about Real Worth and the Value Game.
March 20th 6-8pm we’ll have an extra session at our friends at Metal Culture for a Permaculture Meet Up.
April 12th 630-830pm we will be have a discussion evening around the topic of Peak Stuff
May 10th 630-830pm we will be exploring our hive brain about ideas around Ecovillages, Co-housing, Community and Sustainable building
Thursday Meet Ups
We also now meet up at The Brink every Thursday 4-6pm for a cuppa and a catch up.
Energy group
Our Energy group are in discussion about forthcoming meetings.
We are planning to have a social in the summer again – watch this space
Work Party
There is a growing group of people helping on allotments that people in our network are involved with. When a big job breaks out we organise to help and other are more getting more involved on a regular basis.
Trips and Tours
Quite a few people in our network are interested in organising some trips to places of interest we will share details here when things are organised
Our Symposium full day event will be on Saturday 14th October all welcome details to follow soon
Lots of conversations always happen about ways Transition can work best in the city – maybe you have some energy and commitment to take something forward? e.g. Sustainable Transport group, Repair Workshop, Clothes Swaps etc. get in touch if you’d like to do something and you want to share it as part of this list.
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