Transition South Liverpool held an evening with one of Britain’s foremost localisers: John Papworth. Years before anyone woke up to the double whammy of climate change and peak oil, John was arguing for small scale solutions to our problems
Founder and original editor of Resurgence, currently editor of Fourth World Review, author of 6 books, star of the film No Man is an Island, and subject of the film Turbulent Priest, John is an ecologist, futurist and Anglican priest.
Things are falling apart, he told us. War clouds gather, human numbers outstrip resources, oil is drying up, banks are in turmoil, the natural world is vandalised by industry, our local community structures are destroyed by big government, and our young people are living with no hope of any decent future.
Is there any answer anywhere?
Of course there is, said John!
A new world is breaking through, The Fourth World, a world of small nations, small communities, small industries, farms and shops; a world where people matter and are in control of their own affairs. And transition towns are part of this alternative.
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