Talk by Andy Plater, University of Liverpool
Andy discussed the potential impacts of climate change on Liverpool and Merseyside in terms of challenges and opportunities for the region over the next 30-50 years. In particular, Andy covered the impact of sea-level rise for low-lying areas, storms, rising groundwater, and how climate change will generally affect different sectors of business and the community. While the legacy of the docks protects central Liverpool, areas of the Wirral, the South Lancshire plane, and the Mersey estury are currenctly bulnerable to storm surges. And a warmer world means that we are likely to experience more extreme storms – so a barrage across the Mersey to protect the city, generate power, with a cycle path along the top might make sense. But what would that mean for Liverpool’s identity as a port?
We then held our first AGM: we adopted our constitution and elected core group officers.
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