On the 13th July Transition Liverpool had a meeting to explore the heart and soul of transition – otherwise known as Inner Transition.
Jonathan Jelfs led the event which began with some group movements designed to explore and experience inner and outer aspects of reality using some simple ideas from Integral Theory. The sound of the Tibetan singing bowl offered a link between traditional ways of thinking about the inner and outer aspects of reality and cutting edge cosmic acoustics in the field of physics. Jon described Transition issues in an evolutionary context and suggested that we might ask “what will we do about climate change” but also “what will climate change do for us?”. The climate change, energy, economic and other related crises offer humanity the opportunity for a conscious evolutionary transition. The group then explored the reasons why giving attention to inner aspects of transition might be important alongside the vital attention to practical projects that lead to greater community resilience. The inner Transition PowerPoint Presentation can be accessed below.
Jonathan Jelfs led the event which began with some group movements designed to explore and experience inner and outer aspects of reality using some simple ideas from Integral Theory. The sound of the Tibetan singing bowl offered a link between traditional ways of thinking about the inner and outer aspects of reality and cutting edge cosmic acoustics in the field of physics. Jon described Transition issues in an evolutionary context and suggested that we might ask “what will we do about climate change” but also “what will climate change do for us?”. The climate change, energy, economic and other related crises offer humanity the opportunity for a conscious evolutionary transition. The group then explored the reasons why giving attention to inner aspects of transition might be important alongside the vital attention to practical projects that lead to greater community resilience. The inner Transition PowerPoint Presentation can be accessed below.
Several people expressed an interest in continuing to explore this subject on a regular basis, perhaps by using Carolyn Baker’s book ‘Navigating the Coming Chaos; a handbook for inner transition.’ Do contact Jon at jjelfs@virginmedia.com to express interest in pursuing this.
I am doing a power point on inner transition for the Prince Rupert Transitin towns group this weekend and I hope it is ok if I borrow a thing or two from your presentation. If you want, I can even show you mine when it is done 🙂 Thanks