8/06/11 UK Energy – Tim Greenshaw from the Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy
How much do we need and how can we get it? In this lecture, we will discuss the UK’s future energy needs and examine the contribution various energy sources, both renewable and non-renewable, can make to fulfilling those needs.
How much do we need and how can we get it? In this lecture, we will discuss the UK’s future energy needs and examine the contribution various energy sources, both renewable and non-renewable, can make to fulfilling those needs.
13/07/11 Heart and Soul groups – a presentation by Jon Jelfs about this important strand of Transition, which can provide support and encouragement to us as we think about the changes we are making to our lifestyles as we move towards a more resiliant future.
The Sustainablity Discussion Group meetings start with a light supper at 6.50pm and are followed by a talk, DVD and discussion
Where: Quaker Meeting House, 22 School Lane.
When: 6.50pm for 7.15pm start
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