
I arrived late! But managed to catch the group as they were heading to the first event of the day – the group journey workshop. We discussed in small groups what was working well within our local transition group dynamics, followed by what wasn’t working and what we visioned for the future of our groups.

Our small group had great discussions about cities, about moving around or settling down, relationship with our land, in Sao Paolo, Barcelona, Edinburgh (and Liverpool!).  There was also some time for reflection on the process, which in our busy lives and meetings we have too little time for.

Over lunch we chatted about Redhall Walled Garden – a community garden in Edinburgh that was on a mental health estate, which lots of different groups were involved. And getting a transition group started in Galway. As well as health and social inequalities.

In the afternoon Alan and I led a public health walk, talking about the history of public health and tropical health which were both ‘born’ in Liverpool. Community nursing, influenced by Florence Nightingale was also developed in Liverpool. That all three started in Liverpool reflect the explosive growth of the city and its dependence on global trade. Do these themes ring-true with transition?

So to-date, Liverpool’s population has almost halved, and now ‘lifestyle’ issues related to unemployment and social inequality are the key players. However this creates the space, both physically and ‘organisationally’ for food growing, and community involvement.

Afterwards there was singing evening class! Then dinner, and then open mike. The kids were on first with a puppet show they had developed with Moving Sounds, ending with party dancing. This was then followed by singing, poetry (rude) and Dixie-land jazz with the audience as instruments!

Written by Neil Chadborn

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