Getting Involved
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Get Involved
Transition Liverpool is now a Community Interest Company (as of October 2020). Being a CIC has changed our structure slightly but also means we are able to apply for bigger funding bids. All the directors are volunteers and we meet on a monthly basis to discuss our projects and plans moving forward. The local network is growing and we want to work effectively with our time and energy.
If you are interested in volunteering for one of our projects (Mersey GNM, sPark It or Climate Cafe’s) please email Margaret or Bee
On October 14th we will be holding our Transition Gathering people who are involved in our projects and supporters of our work. We have lined up some keynote speakers, an Open Space event, a market place for networking and a series of workshops. For more information or to get involved please email Margaret or Bee at
From November 2023 we are relaunching our monthly Transition Cafe where we hold talks, films, socials and share food. if you would like to be involved in this we would love to hear from you. Please let Margaret or Bee know
We also host an online Mersey Green Fairs, These are given by people on our Mersey Green Network map Mersey GNM.
If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter please email Margaret or Bee with your name and email address at
Love Wavertree
Elke Weissman a director from Love Wavertree gave an inspiring talk about their work. Their aims are to promote: A lively and thriving community in Wavertree, a deprived area of Liverpool Promote social justice and Initiatives to support sustainability and to address...
Want to get involved and / support with the Mersey GNM (GNM)
Want to get involved and / support with the Mersey GNM (GNM) Contact us: You can... Become a Community Champion for your area: - Help us keep up to date with local, green and ethical businesses and organisations and encourage them to join the...