About Us
Making Liverpool a Better Place For All of Us
Become a member

The Story so far
We began in South Liverpool, focused on the Sefton and Princes Park areas, but we have become more central and meet in the City Centre and incorporate the work of numerous groups that people in our network are involved in such as allotments and growing projects, community groups tackling social and environmental injustices etc. We don’t draw tight boundaries but are aware that ‘Transitioning’ a whole city is too big a job for any one small group alone. We’d LOVE to hear from you and find out where we can work better together.
We established in 2008 and have been through numerous ebbs and flows. Currently we are concentrating on establishing more connection within the network of people and projects involved and exploring practical projects.
What We Do
Climate Action
We work to build collaboration across difference, supporting individuals and organisations to make a positive impact in our community.
Renewable Energy
We support local energy initiatives and aim to connect interested parties to ensure that we maximise impact through collaborative effort
Sustainable Economy
We support the local solidarity economy, promoting the patronage of local, independent businesses.
We actively support initiatives to improve the flora and fauna of the Liverpool City Region
Why do we need to Transition?
Life today is incredibly energy dependent. Although cleaner energy is available (and at a good price now) many still rely on imported energy from the big companies that we may be bound by due to rental property stipulation or unaware of affordable options available.
As a society we rely heavily on shop bought food that has embedded in it immense water, material and energy footprints, not to mention the unfair treatment of the people producing the food in it’s country of origin and the unfair pay of the people serving it to us in this country. We aim to collectively grow our own and support outlets and producers to thrive locally to reduce food miles and improve nutritional value.
With Your Help, We are Making Liverpool a Better Place
Our Mission & Approach
We aim to work together to inform ourselves to make better decisions to reduce our consumption of goods that are produced by corporations with unsustainable practises and to learn how best to live in the city as it’s grows and expands around us. We also aim to support many more sustainable projects that provide real alternatives for the world we want to create for our future generations.
Transition Liverpool is part of an network of people and initiatives working to implement fairer change within society both locally and globally – it is part of a vibrant international movement that acts to rebalance the inequalities of the human population to one that is more fair and equitable.